The Solstice family of kayaks has long been the pride of the Current Designs Performance Touring Kayak fleet. The Solstice GT is the flag ship of our touring kayak fleet and the most popular composite kayak ever made. This updated classic delivers a predictable feel while slicing through the water. Like all Solstice's, the GT has outstanding acceleration, glide, and tracking and can cover some serious distance in a hurry. The ample volume storage hatches have enough room for excursions on the biggest waters of the world.
Maximum Load: 475 lbs.
Fiberglass - 54 lbs.
Aramid - 49 lbs.
Standard Options
- Fully Vacuum Infusion Layup
- Composite Seam
- Current Designs Rudder
- Wide Base Seat
Premium Options
- Dimension Adjustable Seat Back Upgrade - $100
- Heavy Water Lay-Up - $350
General Information:
Fish Form: Widest ahead of the cockpit, Fish form kayaks have a more blunt entry but will have a more slender exit through the water. The bows typically have more flare and are usually more buoyant than others. This enables our shorter boats to be excellent surf zone kayaks. Longer kayaks benefit from this feature in large seas.

Soft Chine: A smooth transition from the bottom of the hull to the sides. Soft chines give smooth edging at unlimited angles. The majority of kayaks that we build have a soft chine.
Shallow Arch: These have good initial stability and are highly maneuverable.
Shallow Arch: These have good initial stability and are highly maneuverable.

Touring Cockpit: Touring cockpits are somewhat small to help resist imploding of the spray skirt if hit by a large wave in rough water. They include built-in thigh braces on the cockpit rim to maximize control when edging and rolling. They range from 29” to 35” long, depending on the model.

Category: N. American Touring

- All Water
- High Capacity
- Seat Backs
- Rudders

- Length Overall:
- 17' 7" (535.94cm)
- Width:
- 24.50" (62.23cm)
- Depth:
- 14.00" (35.56cm)
- Cockpit Length:
- 33.00" (83.82cm)
- Cockpit Width:
- 16.50" (41.91cm)
- Bow Hatch:
- 15.50" x 7.5" (39.37 x 19.05cm)
- Bow Hatch Volume:
- 19 Gal. (71.82L)
- Stern Hatch Size:
- 16.5" x 8.5" (41.91cm x 21.59cm)
- Stern Hatch Volume:
- 34.00Gal. (128.52L)
- Total Hatch Volume:
- 53 Gal. / 200.34L